Friday, May 18, 2007


Right. Apparently there aren't enough latter day psychological twist-based films that rely on one obvious concept (that most of us are growing to sniff out early on) and ignore building on things like, I don't know, character development, story... etc etc.

Although the film starts interestingly enough, and everyone loves a dark comedy about suicide, once the color bleeds from the film after the suicide (if you're bitching because I gave that part away, go back to the title and rethink the bitchfest)it goes downhill.

This is short and really not a review built for anyone who hasn't seen the film... more like a rant against banality. And a question: How does Shannyn Sossamon keep getting work? I think she'd be great in print. But her performances are never far beyond 2 dimesional. Can you dig it?

More on this when I'm not so sun stroked, no?

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